
Hi! I’m Sammi. I am a Mother, partner, and multi-passionate creative human.
I studied Environmental, Soil and Water Sciences at university. I thought that creativity wasn't for me as a scientist, but I’ve always been an interdisciplinarian at heart.
I am a gatherer of people and things, a cook, a writer, a singer, a mender, a walker (and recent couch to 5k runner!), cold water dipper, and tiny apartment dweller.
I am here to be with you on the path to living a creative and fulfilling life.
In previous lives, I worked as an insect trap collector on organic farms, a vintage clothing seller, a pop-up cafe owner, a barista, a community gardener, and a food and farming educator.
I currently live in an unbelievably charming village on the Fife coast in Scotland.
A few extra tidbits about me...
I can’t live without my iron skillet and comal and become irrationally annoyed when my only option to cook with is a scratched-up Teflon pan (shudder).
I’ve moved around a lot in the past ten years, from my hometown in Arkansas to Scotland, to Wales and back to Scotland. I know what it feels like to be the new kid in town.
I’ve worked through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron twice and I’m evangelical about the power it gives us all to live a spiritual and creative life.
I loved singing in choirs as a kid but lost the confidence to sing out loud until I had a baby and began singing to her. I’m now a proud member of the Botanics Choir at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.