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The Artist's Way
Creativity Circle

Discover and recover your creative self in community

We live in a fast-paced culture that disconnects us from our creative power. We want to create, to express, to try something new but often a critical voice inside tells us we’re not talented enough to try.


Often we are conditioned to believe that we are not creative people. That we have to go to art school to be an artist. That creativity is for someone else, not me. What if you could uncover your creative potential and live the life you desire? What if you could move through your blocks of fear, shame, doubt and limiting beliefs to truly embrace your unique self expression?  


Creativity cannot thrive in a culture of fear, shame, doubt and negative self talk.

Transform your life by moving beyond artistic blocks with The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

What’s your creative dream? Start painting, making music, sewing your own clothes, or finally trying pottery?


The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is the definitive guide for helping you to unlock your inner artist and get started on making those creative dreams your reality.


Creativity thrives in safety, gratitude, faith and connection.

Fearne Cotton on Julia Cameron

"I talk about the book all the time - I use quotes from it when I interview people, I use techniques from it to improve how I work, I’m pretty obsessed with [The Artist’s Way], it’s amazing"

Julia Cameron’s book & course The Artist’s Way has helped millions of recovering artists move beyond artistic blocks including fear, sabotage, limiting beliefs, and shame since it was published in 1993. This much loved book provides an incredible step-by-step approach to help you build confidence to express your inner artist and realise your potential to be creative everyday.


‘Many blocked people are actually very powerful and creative personalities who have been made to feel guilty about their own strengths and gifts’ - Julia Cameron


The first time I attempted The Artist’s Way I didn’t complete it. I was trying to do it on my own. Last summer I successfully completed the course with a supportive community online. The person guiding us and the community fostered a sense of belonging and connection that was the key to my success the second time around.  It was a transformational experience rooted in my personal commitment supported by the gentle accountability of the others in the group. This support system allowed me to share insights, wins, and shames that others in the group understood and witnessed. Transformation in community works so incredibly beautifully because we can experiment with fully expressing ourselves in a loving container. 


Tiny transformations lead to big transformations.*



*Especially with a supportive community around you.

C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

“Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself...”

The Artist’s Way Creativity Circle:

12 weeks to uncover and recover your creative self

The course includes: 

  • Weekly check-in with a space to share our reflections online. I’ll also include idea prompts, cool events and materials to read, watch or get inspiration from. 

  • Two gatherings at Ormus Gallery at the beginning and end of the course.

  • Encouragement and guidance from me through the programme - I’ll be your biggest fan along the way!


What you need:

  • A copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I recommend having your own copy - you’ll want to return to this book again and again.

  • A journal & pen of your choice

  • An open mind and heart 

  • To carve out some time for you to participate. Each week there is a short chapter to read, prompts to consider, and an artist date of your choosing. You are invited to try morning pages every morning before beginning your day. You choose how much time you are able to commit & it is designed to fit in around your already full life. 

Meet Your Hosts


My name is Sammi. I’m a The Artist’s Way enthusiast and recovering creative person. I studied sciences and realised that I’m not wired for only left brain thinking and doing. I have a busy life raising a toddler, so I get the “not enough time for creativity” mindset as I am actively working to shift this. I mend, sing, cook, write and parent creatively. I believe the best way to grow out of our comfort zones  is to do it in a loving, supportive community. I am on this path with you.


‘Sammi is a brilliant spark for creativity and movement. She channels her many interests and is skilled at connecting with people’ - Alison M.



Working with aspiring independent artists, creators, designers and makers, the Ormus gallery in Aberdour and online retail space stocks a selection of curated art, design, gift items and homewares.


Ormus specialises in carefully curated original art and limited-edition homeware and gift items for sale from the retail gallery and online. With an ethos of nurturing independent creatives, the focus behind the Ormus brand is authenticity, originality and sustainability, and wherever possible from responsibly sourced and recycled materials.

Join Us!

This 12-week book study and creativity circle offers an opportunity to open to what really matters to you. July is a beautiful month to begin a creative journey as opportunities for being in nature are abundant. There is an endless source of creative inspiration outside!


Book online at Ormus website or in person at 33 High Street, Aberdour KY3 0SH


Investment £60  or £80 including the book



First gathering Saturday 27 July, 1-3pm at Ormus Gallery

End of the programme event Saturday 26 October at Ormus Gallery 

Midway gathering to be discussed with the group


We got you.

When do we begin?

We will kick off with a gathering at Ormus Gallery on Saturday 27 July 2024. Our final gathering with be on Saturday 26 October.


What do I need to start?

A copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You can bring your own copy or ask us to order one for you. 

A notebook and pen

An open mind and heart 


How much time do I need to commit each week?

It’s entirely up to you. The elements of The Artist’s Way are: 

  • Morning Pages. You are encouraged to try morning pages before starting your day, where you write your thoughts freely in your notebook to clear your head.

  • Artist Dates. These are weekly dates with your inner artist. They can be as little as an hour or as long as an afternoon (and beyond if you’ve got time!). It’s a chance to play and have fun being creative. They are not meant to feel like work or a burden!

  • Walks. You’re invited to walk a few times a week to allow what you've learned to integrate.

  • A chapter to read in the book each week with reflections you choose to use.


What if I’m not a creative person?

This is the course for you! You are invited to try the tools in this course to uncover what creativity is for YOU. I firmly believe that everyone is creative, that we are all artists. Your own inner artist (perhaps buried deep down) is waiting to emerge. 


What if I'm already an Artist?

You’re also invited to participate! Everyone has artistic blocks keeping us smaller than we are meant to be. This course and community is designed to help you move through areas where you feel stuck or stagnant and transform your artistic practice.

Ormus Gallery

33 High Street,

Aberdour KY3 0SH



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